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House Points

  • St Oswald 5235
  • St Francis Xavier 4890
  • St Wulstan 5170
  • St Ignatius 5212


Computing skills are taught to the children through Computing lessons using our laptops, iPads and Prowise Interactive Whiteboards. Years 5 & 6 have their own iPads to use in class.

Such technology is enabling our pupils to participate in an exciting Computing curriculum,

as well as allowing teachers to embed the use of technology as a learning tool across the curriculum.

We use Purple Mash computing scheme to support our teaching of the computing curriculum.



The curriculum is broken down into 3 areas:
• Computer Science (Computing, algorithms and programming) – Children learn how digital systems work and use this to create programs.
• Information Technology– – children are able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology.
• Online Safety – Children use technology safely and keep themselves safe online (Take a look at how to keep safe online by visiting the Online safety section of our website).

Computing including e-safety long term overview

Computing intent, implementation and impact

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