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A Musical School


At St George's we have a wide selection of musical instruments and all children are encouraged to make music and to enjoy singing.



We are very proud of the wonderful singing by the children of St George's. Years 4, 5 & 6 have the opportunity to join the choir. The children sing at Mass and at other key events within the school year. They also experience performing at Young Voices in Birmingham, alongside some incredible artists. There is a massive sense of achievement gained from rehearsing over so many months and finally being able to perform in one of the world's largest arenas. 



Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument at school; the ocarina in Year 2, the recorder in Year 3 and the cornet in Year 4.

Peripatetic lessons, with a specialist teacher, are available for those pupils who wish to develop their musical skills further. There are a choice of instruments to play: guitar, violin, clarinet, trombone and saxophone.



In KS 2 pupils have the chance to develop their recorder playing further by joining the Recorder Club, This club is taught by Mrs Brohan on Thursday and Friday morning.


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