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At St George’s Catholic Primary School, we teach children how to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems with ever-increasing fluency. We intend to enable children to understand the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives and ensure they are equipped with essential skills needed now and in the future. We aim to provide high quality maths teaching, which is engaging and interactive and builds upon children’s prior learning. 


Click on the link below for the National Curriculum for Mathematics:

Calculation Methods (EYFS to Year 6)


• Count out each set of numbers to find the total (using counters)
• Count on from the largest number using a number line
• Partition numbers and adding the tens first (for example 56 + 37 = (50 + 30) + (6 + 7) = 80 + 13 = 93)
• Addition using the formal written column method


• Count out each set of numbers and remove a given number (using counters)
• Count back on a number line
• Partition numbers and counting back in tens
• Subtraction using the formal written column method


• Using visual stimulus and multiplying in twos, fives and tens
• Use arrays and number lines to count in multiples
• Multiply numbers by using a partitioning grid
• Multiply numbers using a compact method (written column method)


• Use arrays to find groups of numbers
• Use known multiplication facts and partition numbers
• Short division using the bus stop method
• Long division using the formal written method 


Please see below the updated Mathematics policy and the appendices A, B and C outlining the methods of calculation referred to in the policy that are used across the school. 

Ongoing Practice in Maths

  • Children are given the opportunity to estimate before calculating an answer.
  • Children are given the opportunity to determine if a calculation can be done in their head or use a written method.
  • Children should check their answer (for example by using the inverse operation).
  • Children should practise their multiplication and corresponding division facts (up to and including 12 x 12) until they know them off by heart.
  • Teachers encourage children to use alternative, secure methods to check their answers and draw links.
  • Teachers use models and images to support the learning of written and mental methods of calculation.
  • Regular dialogue where pupils can self-assess their learning and also respond to feedback in their books.
  • Children participate in basic skills sessions to secure their understanding of the four rules.

Mathematics Activities, Initiatives and Resources

During Maths lessons, children have the opportunity to work together; in groups or pairs, as well as independently to complete activities.

Some of the Mathematical apps and programmes used include:
• Doodle Maths

• Times tables Rock Stars

• Hit the Button

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