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Welcome to Reception Class! 



During our first year at school, we ask God to help us grow together as members of His Special Family and to use all our gifts well throughout the year. Amen


Class Teacher: Mrs Palfreyman

TA: Mrs Burrows

Our Class Saint is the Joseph the Worker.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Dear Holy Family.

Bless our families.

We want to be like you.

Make us holy. 


What will my child need to bring to school?


All children will need a named coat and a named water bottle every day. Please ensure that this contains only water, not juice or squash. Fruit is provided during the morning, as is milk if you have requested it.


The children all need a named bookbag. It is really helpful if the bookbag is named along the top edge, as the children can find it more easily when they are looking in the bookbag boxes. We will start to send reading books home later this half term.


If you have letters, slips or money to hand in, it is really helpful if you can hand this straight to an adult in the morning as checking through bookbags is time consuming for staff. As your children become more independent and gain confidence, you can encourage them to remember to hand things in themselves.


Spring Term


PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. The children need to leave their PE kit in school. We will send this home to be washed at the end of every halfterm. Please ensure that your child has trainers in school. (They do not need pumps.) Girls will need a pair of socks in their PE bag if they wear tights to school. 


Forest school happens every Friday afternoon. The children will attend every week. The children will need to wear a pair of navy jogging bottoms and a navy sweatshirt every Wednesday. Their wellies can stay at school on the welly rack. A hat and gloves are also required when the weather is cold. 

The Reception Curriculum overview can be found under the 'Curriculum tab' on the school website.

Welcome to our school website. If you would like to visit our school please telephone or email the office. Reception 2025 Open Day Tuesday 19th November 2024- 1.30pm-3pm. Please ring the School Office to book a place.