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House Points

  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610


We have a House system based on the Saints - St Oswald, St Francis Xavier, St Wulstan and St Ignatius.

The Saints are linked to Worcester and closely linked to our Parish Church.

St Oswald was Bishop of Worcester in 961

St Wulstan was Bishop of Worcester in 1062

St Francis Xavier and St Ignatius were founders of the Jesuit Priests


In Key Stage 1 and 2 each child belongs to one of the houses. Children record their house points in class and these are collected weekly by the House Captains.

During the year inter-house netball and football games take place, and Key Stage 2 Sport's Day is an inter-house competition.


Well done to St Ignatius House for being the winning House with the highest number of house points at the end of the academic year 2023.

Congratulations to St Ignatius' House for winning the Sport's Day cup 2023


House Point winners 2022St Wulstan'sSport's Day Champions 2022St Ignatius
House Point winners 2023St IgnatiusSport's Day Champions 2023St Ignatius






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