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Calendar Dates

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House Points

  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610


At St George’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a unique and vital contributor to a pupil’s physical development and well-being. Physical education develops the pupil’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. Physical education involves thinking, selecting and applying skills, and it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle enabling pupils to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.    

Extra-Curricular PE Activities
At St George’s, we offer a range of extra-curricular activities for all children of all abilities to take part in over the course of the year. They are as follows:

Years 1 & 2
Multi Skills and Summer Sports
Year 3
Netball club and Summer Sports
Years 4, 5 & 6
Netball club, Football club and Summer Sports

Our school takes an active part in competitions with other schools within the Catholic Partnership and the City.


Catholic Schools Competitions
Football, netball, athletics tournaments and swimming.


Sporting links with Blessed Edward Oldcorne

Gymnastics, Rounders, Athletics, Multi-skills, Kwik Cricket, TAG Rugby and Tri-golf

Throughout the year all classes have the opportunity to take part in sporting festivals or in competitions.


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