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House Points

  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610

Relationship Education

Relationship Education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:

  • Families and People who care about me;
  • Caring Friendships;
  • Respectful Relationships;
  • Online Relationships;
  • Being Safe.


At St George's our programme of study is delivered through cross curricular links in mainly RE, PSHE and Science. In addition, we follow the Catholic Ten Ten Programme, 'Life to the Full'.

This scheme of work in Relationships and Health Education embraces and fulfils the statutory curriculum.

Pupils are taught topics at age-appropriate stages through their school life.

The programme includes teaching about personal health, physical and emotional wellbeing, strong emotions, private parts of the body, personal relationships, family structures, trusted adults, growing bodies, puberty, periods, life cycles, the dangers of social media, where babies come from and an understanding of the Common Good and living in the wider world.

The entire teaching is underpinned with a religious understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created chosen and loved by God.

The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families.


Life to the Full Programme


'Life to the Full' is developed through the four different learning stages of EYFS, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2.

Within each learning stage, there are three modules which are based on the Model Catholic RSE Curriculum. Each Module is broken down into Units of Work:


  • Module 1- Created and Loved by God
  • Module 2 – Created to Love Others
  • Module 3 Created to Live in the Community

Relationship Education Policy

Relationship Education -expectations of the Primary Curriculum

Government guidelines - key facts

Parent Powerpoint shared at meeting (February 2020)

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