Welcome to our Governors’ section.
The Governing Body is made up of parent, staff, local authority and community representatives. The Governors' role is not about fundraising, neither it is about cheerleading for the school - though Governors might do both those things. School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the Headteacher and are involved in the appointment of other staff. It is Governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is Governors who work with the Headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.
Each individual Governor is a member of the Governing Body, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual Governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body.
The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
Our Values and Ethos
Our Vision
The Constitution of our Governing Body provides for six categories of Governor.
• Foundation Governor – who is appointed by the Archbishop of Birmingham (or any other person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction on his behalf) through the Director of Education of the Diocesan Education Service
• The Headteacher – this is an ex officio appointment to the Governing Body
• Parent Governor – appointed, ordinarily, following election by a ballot of the parents of children registered at the school.
• Staff Governor – appointed following election by a ballot of those staff who are employed by either the Governing Body or the Local Authority under a contract of employment providing for those persons to work at the school
• Local Authority Governor – who is nominated by the Local Authority and is appointed as a Governor by the Governing Body
• Co-Opted Governor – appointed by the Governing Body
The term of office for each Governor is 4 years. The specific start and end dates for individual Governors is detailed in their profile below.
In order to maintain full transparency, Governors must declare any interests they have in the following categories:
• relevant business interests (where there could be an actual or perceived clash of interests with their role as a Governor)
• details of any other educational establishments they govern
• any relationships between them and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives
Any interest declared by an individual Governor is noted in their profile below.
Mr Peter Battle- Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor who is Chair of the Finance & Personnel committee and Chair of Admissions Committee.
Serves also as the Maths curriculum area Governor.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 28/09/18 to 27/09/22
Mrs Mairead Hayes- Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor serving on the Standards & Achievements and Pastoral Care committees.
Serves also as the SEND and also English & Phonics link Governor.
Class Governor to Year 4.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office:18/02/2022 to 17/02/2026
Mrs Ruth Bader
Co-Opted Governor and member of the Standards & Achievements and Pastoral Care committees.
Serves also as the Safeguarding Governor and Science curriculum area Governor.
Class Governor to Reception Class.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 11/04/16 to 15/09/24
Mr Andrew Trickett
Foundation Governor serving on the Finance and Personnel Committee.
Serves also as the Geography curriculum area Governor.
Class Governor to Year 1.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 17/05/2021 to 16/05/2025
Mr Gerald Donald
Foundation Governor serving on the Finance and Personnel committee.
Class Governor to Year
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 17/02/2023 to 16/02/2027
Mr Peter Sheeran
Foundation Governor serving on the Finance and Personnel and Admissions committees.
Serves also as the Arts curriculum area Governor and Pupil Premium and Attendance Governor.
Class Governor to Year 6.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 06/01/22 to 05/01/26
Mrs Jennifer Cooper
Staff Governor and member of the Standards & Achievements, Pastoral Care and Admissions committees.
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 08/04/21 to 07/04/25
Mr Adam Rowley
Parent Governor.
Also serves as History curriculum area Governor.
Declaration of Governor interests: Husband of Mrs. C. Rowley- TA
Term of office: 05/11/21 to 04/11/25
Associate Member
Mr Ian Raine
Appointed by the Governing Body and serves as Chair on the Standards & Achievements committee.
Mr. Raine has no Governing Body voting rights due to his Associate Member status.
Serves also as the Health and Safety, Computing and E-safety and GDPR link Governor
Declaration of Governor interests: None
Term of office: 16/09/20 to 15/09/24
The Clerk to Governors is Mrs Vikki Hiley.