The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage starts at birth and continues until the end of the Reception year. This ensures a smooth transition from your child’s experiences at home, in pre-school or nursery and then as they start school.
We have established close links with the nurseries and pre-schools and meet with them to ensure that each child’s strengths and interests are shared. During the Summer Term your child is invited to school to spend time meeting staff and getting used to the new environment.
A meeting for parents takes place in June, where details about school life are shared and any questions are answered. It is also opportunity to meet key members of staff, receive important forms and to sample food from the catering company we use, Eat Smart.
Home visits take place in the first week of autumn term by Mrs Palfreyman, the Reception Teacher and Mrs Bull, Teaching Assistant. We build on the information from nurseries and pre-schools and from the information that you give us to assess your child’s engagement and involvement across a range of activities. This information is collated in an ‘entry profile’ during the first few weeks of the term.
During a child’s Reception year we are building a picture of how they learn which will be used to plan for learning when they start on the National Curriculum in Year One. We identify the strengths and areas for development for each child. We want to ensure that each child will have a good level of development to take with them on their journey through school.
Settling into School
We have a flexible approach to the first few weeks of term in September so that we can get to know each child really well and carry out ‘entry’ assessments. During the first two weeks children will attend either a morning or an afternoon session. From week three onwards all children attend all day.
You are welcome to speak to the teacher at the end of the day or to arrange an appointment if there are any concerns that you need to discuss. We would rather address any issues promptly as we find this is in the best interests of the children. You will receive regular newsletters which will let you know what the children are doing and how you can support at home.
Parents Evening takes place in October; this is usually the week before the half term holiday.