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Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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House Points

  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610

School Council

Our school council are made up of pupils in Key Stage 2, who are elected at the start of the academic year. 

The School Council work closely with Mrs Grazier to discuss ways to make improvements in the school. Regular meetings are held and the council also carry out surveys to find out the views of the other children in the school.

Everyone has a voice, 


The School Council also support and run key events throughout the year.

Work so far this year:


  • Running the Macmilian Coffee Morning
  • Class surveys to find out equipment children would like for their playtimes.
  • Organise and run a book sale in aid of St Richard's Hospice.
  • Sell our produce after  the Harvest Mass in aid of Cafod.
Welcome to our school website. If you would like to visit our school please telephone or email the office.