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The School Day

The teaching day runs from 8:45am until 3:15pm. Total weekly time in school 32 hours and 30 minutes.

Breakfast club is available from 8.00am each morning. 



A typical day:


8.35 - KS 2 gate opens

8:45 - EYFS & KS1 doors open


8:45 - Bell Rings


Assembly on Mondays  & Mass on alternateTuesday mornings)


Morning lessons

10.00 - 10.30 Daily Phonics in KS 1

15 mins mid morning break

Morning lesson

11.30 -12.00: Daily Phonics in EYFS


12:00 - 1:00 – Lunch Break


Afternoon Lessons begin at 1pm

3:15 - Teaching Day ends


We have the opportunity for singing during the week and we celebrate our achievements in 'Praise Assembly' on Friday afternoons. Each year group also takes part in a collective worship each week; this is led mostly by the pupils with the help of the teacher.


Welcome to our school website. If you would like to visit our school please telephone or email the office. Reception 2025 Open Day Tuesday 19th November 2024- 1.30pm-3pm. Please ring the School Office to book a place.