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  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610


At St George’s Catholic Primary School, we value Art and Design and aim to provide an art curriculum that will enable each child to reach their full potential in learning in art and design. The children will do this through investigating and making, through research and development of skills and through evaluation of their own art and that made by others. Our art and design provision will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own work. As artists, children will be able to think critically and develop an understanding of art and design. They will know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, contributing to culture, creativity and the wealth of our nation. 


The aims of our Art curriculum are to develop pupils who: 


  • Foster an understanding and enjoyment of art, craft and design. 

  • Encourage children to work from imagination, memory and the environment to develop their ideas by using various starting points. 

  • Develop children’s ability to observe, investigate, respond to and record the world around them through a variety of forms and media. 

  • Broaden knowledge and the appreciation of the work of other artists and crafts people from different times and cultures. 

  • Extend and enrich other curriculum areas through art. 

  • Enable children to make increasingly informed and creative choices of media, tools and techniques for a given purpose. 

  • Develop their visual language and the ability to express their ideas and feelings in order to evaluate their own work and that of others. 

  • Deliver the National Curriculum by integrating the elements of art with the processes and practices of art to provide a broad and balanced art curriculum throughout each year. 

  • Develop an awareness of the importance of art in society 



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