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House Points

  • St Oswald 6592
  • St Francis Xavier 6197
  • St Wulstan 6648
  • St Ignatius 6610

An Eco School


We are committed to our ECO aims at St George's. We were the first school in Worcester to have solar panels installed on our school roof and have successfully achieved 5 Green flags.


Each year new members are elected for the School Eco team, who work alongside Mrs Grazier, the Eco School Co-ordinator and Mrs Gittins to take part in Eco initiatives. 


Look at some of the brilliant work our ECO team and the school have been up to!


World Water Day

Clean for the Queen

Weekly Litter Pick in the school grounds

Waste Free Lunch

Andigestion - turning cooked and uncooked food into energy


Walk, Bike and Scooter to school

Saving Energy

Monitoring water and electricity consumption


Pond clearing

Bird boxes

Bug hotels


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