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Year 3

Class Teacher: Mrs Cooper Tuesday-Friday

Miss Comer - Mondays

PPA - Mrs Rixon


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith


Our class saint is St. Therese of Lisieux, and we take our class motto from her.

 "We must shine like lights: every small thing we do is important."

St Therese was know as 'The Little Flower'.

In the sacrifices she made for others, Therese imitated Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  All of us are called to follow Jesus in this way. 

If Therese could do it, so can we!

We will find out more about her during the year.



Year 3 is the start of Key Stage 2 and we will be studying many exciting topics this year. Working hard, being independent and trying your best will help you develop as a confident and positive learner.

Remember, it's ok to make mistakes, we learn from them!laugh


This year, as you continue your journey of faith, you will make your First Confession and First Holy Communion.  




It is still important for you to read at home every night. You will have a home reader from school, but you may also choose to read your own books from home. Remember to ask an adult to sign your reading record book each time you read. Any new words you come across or don't understand, please write in the boxes provided on each page of your reading diary. Don't forget to bring your books in every day as an adult will want to hear you read and hear the progress you are making.

At the bottom of this page, you will find a poster of a top 100 recommended reads for Year 3 children.  I wonder how many you have read already?laugh


Here are some of our routines:

Spellings will be given out on a  to learn and tested the following .

A maths task will also be set on  and handed in the following


P.E. will take place on Monday and Friday for the Autumn Term.

Please make sure you have your full P.E. kit with you every day.

Kits will be sent home each half term to be washed.

If you are unable to take part in a lesson, please ask Mum or Dad to pop a note in your Reading Diary.


Please remember to bring in a named water bottle and a healthy snack each day.

It is also a good idea to bring your coat in every daylaugh



The Year 3 Curriculum overview can be found on under the 'Curriculum tab' on the school website.

Each half term, you will have a different focus for Maths facts that you need to learn off by heart.  The aim is that you will know these facts instantly when asked!  They need to be practised often! smiley

Welcome to our school website. If you would like to visit our school please telephone or email the office. Reception 2025 Open Day Thursday 10th October 2024- 1.15pm-3pm. Please ring the School Office to book a place.